Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


* said...

Hmmm, the color blue is nice. And grass. I like grass.

Elisa said...

How did you get the picture of my backside?? Seriously.

tiburon said...


Lisa said...

I think a diet is in order.

Wonder Woman said...

This is one of those pictures I'd put eye-level on the refridgerator door. Or pantry door.

Teri said...

Ummm, Yeeees. There are no words, hence, Wordless Wednesday.....

mCat said...

hehehe, if I ever start looking like from behind, for the love of all that's holy, tell me!!

Oh yeah, I was going to show you my fat girl picture wasn't I?

I guess we better plan a lunch date to get that business taken care of.... like an excuse is needed! I miss you already!

Jen said...

Ah, priceless! At least his pants are pulled up! Sort of how I'm feeling today--one big blob.

kado! said...

I think it's because he's sitting next to those stripes...they are so not-slimming!

oh hey...i moved my blog to: