Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Next Gordon Ramsay?

I got a new i-Touch for Christmas. And my kids have taken it over. I found today that it has 450+ photos and videos on it. They've been having a lot of fun, apparently. This video was a sweet surprise. There are probably 5 "cooking shows" from my little guy making different 7-yr-old friendly food items.
I get such a kick out of the brilliant, creative mind of that boy.


Wonder Woman said...

This is hilarious. "Yes.....little girl. Now get outta my show." "He's a dork." "I'm not a dork!"

Also love the CTR ring.

Jen said...

That's soooo adorable. I see the next male Martha Stewart in the works! LOL. What a cutie. My daughter does the same thing with my iPhone. I find all kinds of pictures and videos. I watch them when I'm ready to throttle their neck and it reminds me just how much I do love them. BTW, I am back in the bloggy world and would love to hear from you sometime. I'm now at www.MyLiveLaughBlog.com. Good to see you are posting. Since I've returned to the blogging world, many of my virtual friends have stopped blogging. It was a disappointment.

Missy said...

This is so sweet!
Easy Cheese!!!!

Annette Lyon said...

Spelling it out--awesome.

"Get out of my show!"

Melissa said...

Precious! And kudos to you for knowing how to use the the i-Touch! I can't even take a picture on my antiquated cell phone!


Me (aka Danielle) said...

This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

Mikki said...

Love the rolling his body in circles part. My absolute favorite! So cute. What funny, adorable kids you have Sher!

wendy said...

How awesome is that!!!!