Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where's Sherdo?

Yeah, I know that title is lame. Just goes to show what kind of blog rut I'm in. Haven't seen me around lately? Missed my comments? Yeah. Sorry. I haven't been blogging much lately.

I've been over here. Amazed how a case of mistaken identity can make you popular over night (I'll explain that someday).

But, mostly, I've been playing over here. Come on over and check it out! So much fun!!!


Devri said...

It is quite fun isn't it. Hey I am curious about something, did you make your background for twit, or someone else, can I ask another, what screen size and resolution are you viewing it at? Just finishing up my new website for twitter backgrounds and trying to deside the best size for them all... thats all,...

I am in a rut too. I think is it called spring fever.

Anonymous said...

its fun playing with you over at M.M.B.Ning :)

deb@virginia blue said...

We've absolutely missed you!

Guess I'll have to go over to MMBning and get signed up =)

Jo said...

Well, I guess since you have been hanging out in Cyberspace, you are forgiven.

* said...

I agree -- the new MMB groups & stuff are fun. Which ones do you belong to?

Just SO said...

I've signed up over there but I haven't done a whole lot.

Have people really been mistaking you for that talk show host?

Jillene said...

I have signed up amd joined one group. It seems like it's going to be GREAT!!

Lara Neves said...

The MMB site will be tons of fun! Too bad I don't have more time to sit in front of it. :)

Elisa said...

(my heart swells with pride)
I'm glad you are liking the MMBning.

And, SO jealous of your mistaken idenity. The only mistaken identity I get is... well... none.

Spence said...

So you really can get famouse over night. Jk.

Ann On and On... said...

I'll have to go check out where you've been hiding out....

I like your pay it forward post. I might be using that one day.

Stopped by to welcome you to the SITSerhood. I'm sure you'll just love it. Come on over to my blog and check out my giveaways when you have a minute. :)

wendy said...

Oh Sher, there are just too many places to go ---bloggin, facebook, my emails and I checked your "here"---I can't keep up with it all ----


Hey chica- I KNOW how you love giveaways and you're the first person I thought of!

go check out http://sarajoyner.blogspot.com/2009/04/vote-for-loser-and-you-could-be-winner.html

it's to benefit her sister in-law in the Biggest Loser competition (and we get free stuff for voting!)

Jan said...

I haven't gone over there much. I am still scared to death. It looks so big and complicated. I will venture over there sometime. I love the new idea though and the whole concept. Fabulous.

Yes we miss Sherbo.

Laurel said...

I know how you feel. I'm not really in the mood to write a post either.

Da Bergs said...

I have TOTALLY missed you!!!

Wonder Woman said...

I've taken somewhat of a blog break, too. I should hop to MMB right now and see what's going down.