Today's bucket filler is brought to you by a genuine bonafide sugar addict. If they had an SA (Sugar-aholics Anonymous), I'd be the club president.
Sugar has some serious side effects. Some even compare to the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Did you know that? Elation, then deflation. It is so bad for you! Why does it have to taste so good?
I'm not crazy, I know I can't go the year, or month, or even the week, without my fix of chocolate. But, today, let's try to go the whole day without any treats. No candy, cookies, doughnuts, and yes, no Cherry Coke (or whatever flavor soda you're addicted to). If you have leftover Christmas candy, hide them away, or better yet, just throw 'em in the trash. Your kids don't need it either.
We can do this for ONE day. And we'll feel much better for it at the end of the day. And make the start to healthier eating habits.
I think I can ALMOST do this with you if I don't have to count my Diet Pepsi, which technically doesn't have any sugar in it...right???
Umm- I think I can, I think I can...
I once went six months without chocolate because I was nursing and my son was allergic to it. I cried almost every day. I also lost my baby weight in record time! Since then, I don't think I have missed a day where I didn't eat chocolate. I bet I could go one day. Thanks for the motivation!
Shoot. I just finished popping 2 Lindt balls. Maybe I'll start from here?!?!
No can do Sher. I'll be honest. Will be stopping at the SEV for a fix on the way home from the gym
Me neither. I've got a Milky Way Midnight bar in the kitchen calling my name right now.
I have to have something sweet daily. I've cut it down to just one thing a day.
Great reminder! I call it the "sugar blues". High five to this post.
I just ate lunch, this is when the NEED for sugar hits me. I want to cave soooo baaaad. It doesn't help that all of you who aren't going to support me in trying to break my habit are telling me the stuff you are about to eat.
OOps, too late for me. I've already had two Pepsi's and a candy cane. sigh.
Alright. I'll do it. It may kill me, though.
Honestly my sweet tooth is the biggest factor in my poor eating. I've been trying to find the inner strength (which I know sounds melodramatic, but it's true) to lay off it for a week or two. It lessens when you do, and then I find I can just end the day with a Weight Watchers Giant Fudge bar, and that can be it. Getting there is SO hard, though.
I need you to post this every morning!
Good thing I'm reading this as I munch on mint M&Ms.
In all fairness... I posted that See's candy post YESTERDAY morning! I had no idea you were going to post this today! Sorry. :)
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