Are you staying active? Are you keeping up with doing something active everyday?
They say after doing something for 2 weeks, it becomes a habit.
This week, let's step it up a notch. Try to run for 1 minute, or walk twice around the block. Do 25 more jumping jacks. Find sometime everyday to get your heart rate up. Even for just a 5, 10, 20 minutes.
Don't think of it as exercise. Don't think about losing weight or fitting into a size zero or whatever. We're exercising to get happy. Getting in shape is just a nice bi-product.
What a great site you have here! Visiting your blog is something akin to receiving my happy thought for the day. Really great and unique approach. I like it!
So, you are sure about the two week period for forming habits? Hmmm...It gives me hope...
hmmm ok, I think I can, I think I can...
great one sher.
Thanks Sher I needed this. I got out of the habit of working out when our house was flooded, ya that was 2 months ago, so I need to get back on track.
I did my biggest loser workout this morning!
hey, you have 42 followers now! Congrats!
I need to nail this one, too. I'm in horrid shape at the moment. Both externally and internally. Cashew turtles don't help that, do they?
Started PT camp this morning. Will do kickboxing tonight.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Even though my post today is tongue in cheek, I really am trying to get more active and lose weight. Here's to the daily elliptical!
I love that excercising to get happy thought Sher. What a great spin on it. I am trying to stay active. But somedays are harder than others. But be happy be happy will ring in my ears now.
I am SOOOO NOT on your level of exercise but I just want you to know that your gentle reminders and excitement help me keep up with the level I am on--thanx for all you do.
How come it takes two weeks to make a habit, but two days to break it?
I need to do better. I will!! Thanks for the encouragement.
I got the exercising part down, but not the eating. I love food too much. Must be why I don't lose weight. Some day I might care enough to do something about it
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