Wednesday, March 19, 2008


What do you get when you mix a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old, a can of vanilla pudding mix(you know, the ones from the cannery), a can of dehydrated onions, and a can of quick oats? A HUGE MESS, that's what you get!
Sorry, I was too furious to have the presence of mind to take a picture before I cleaned it up and sent the culprits to the bathtub. (I'm still a little mad)
And it all happened guessed it..piano lessons.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe this isn't the right thing for me to be doing. It seems like that's when my children get in the biggest trouble...destroying the house with my food storage, wandering the neighborhood, unsupervised, barefoot, with no coats on (yes, that happened today, too...during piano lessons) Thankfully, my neighbor, who was aware that I was teaching, took them in, let them play for awhile, and then sent them home.
Is it selfish of me to want to continue teaching piano lessons? I really think there is a lot of good that comes from it...the service I render to my students, the income I bring into the family, the satisfaction I get from teaching, and my involvement in something musical to appease my desire to have music in my life.
But, when all is said and done, is it really worth it, if it's at the expense of my children? Am I neglecting them because I am doing this? Granted, I AM teaching them music, too. But, when it's not their turn, is it really fair to stick them in front the of TV, and ignore them for 2 hours a day?
I'm really having a moral dilemma right now.
I really, really don't want to quit teaching, but what can I do for my children, so they don't feel so neglected, and they go to extreme measures to get attention?

I guess I'm just having a "bad Mom day"

p.s. I have decided that this blog has become my venting station. So, sorry, if it seems like I'm always complaining. It's nice to sort out my thoughts and frustrations, here, instead of taking it out on my family.
Thanks for putting up with that (because you don't have to. You can just..not read it)


Megan B said...

I totally understand!! My good friend in Irvine, California had 3 small children and HAD to teach piano lessons to help with the income (and VERY high cost of living there). She hired one of the Young Women in the ward to walk over and watch her kids during piano. It was like a regular job for the girl and it really helped my friend out a LOT! It seems like she taught 2 days of the week for like 3-4 hours each time but had the babysitter so it worked out. Good luck!!!

Krazy Kat said...

I feel the same way with my accounting. I think no matter what we do we always have the bad mother guilt. Maybe one day we can find a way to balance it all. Until then I guess we will go crazy with our double duties. I'm not sure how our Mom did it with 8 kids and a full time job. She really is super-Mom!

Sher said...

I agree 100%! I remember my friends' mom's telling me they thought she was Super-Mom. Now, I realize how right they were! She really is Super-Mom! She was always so nurturing. We were so lucky to have a Mom like her!

Elisa said...

There are LOTS of cute YW that you could hire to help you out... I had to do that and we ended up making wonderful relationships with a girl who had major positive influence on my cute little Things... I highly recommend that... you're doing them a favor ($$) and they are helping you out, but also being really good influences on your cute little kiddos!
AND, you ARE an amazing Mama! Don't sell yourself short!

Sher said...

When we lived in Layton I used to have my first student of each day stay and watch the kids...but since we've moved here I don't have any Jr high age students in the neighborhood. I should just call someone to come over...