Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now What?!

So now that I have posted about running a marathon, everything else seems a little...oh, I don't know...trivial.
I haven't done much this week. My plan, while I rest, and let my leg muscles slowly forgive me for what I've done to them (they're still working on it..I think they're holding a grudge), was to catch up on house cleaning, laundry, more laundry, and then maybe some yard work, (once I'm able to squat again). BUT....
Monday morning I did a big old batch of towels in the wash. And I went to put them in the dryer, and apparently my 10 year old dryer is in cahoots with my legs muscles and it's mad at me too, because it went THPPPPTHTSSS!! (That's how you spell it when someone sticks out their tongue and spits at you) and died. I had to hang the towels out on the deck to dry, and now they're all...stiff and crunchy.

So, Monday night, for family night, we went washer and dryer shopping.
My new toy is coming today.

The only good thing about my enormous mountains of laundry I have piling up, is that they get to be washed in a brand new LG Front loading washing machine!


Elisa said...

Oh man! I want one of those so bad. I just may have to come gawk at yours. And then use it to do my mountain of laundry that just never stops!

Peggy said...

Don't you love it when you HAVE to buy new appliances!